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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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caro's locked in another day of protests over the president's dictator like grab for power that's being described as a coup. catalonia prepares for a key regional vote which could potentially force a referendum on independence from central government. and a british couple have their foster children taken away because of their political beliefs triggering outrage over how the country's care system is being run. international news and comment live from moscow this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day egypt has witnessed the second day of clashes over decree giving president
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morsi sweeping new powers executive orders can no longer be challenged by the law courts the country's top judges say it is an unprecedented attack on the judiciary and of call for a nationwide strike in protest against the move the latest now from cairo based journalist. the clashes that have been going on for five days now of protesters against the president in particular the president's constitutional declaration which was issued on thursday which really gives him sweeping powers in addition there were protests organized by opposition forces in the form of marches to the supreme court of justice because a meeting was being held find the judges of the country against this constitution exploration because it really tells you i mean a lot of powers of course when this march actually arrived at the supreme courts they were actually attacked by groups of people identified as pro brotherhood and pro president supporters really we're seeing continued clashes and key key marches
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and protests happening across cairo the opposition movement is actually getting it stronger every single day even though there are fewer numbers on diarrhea there is actually tents going up because it called a sit in for a week and they've also called for a mass protest on tuesday which the against this constitutional declaration made by the president as i mentioned on thursday which really does grow on the president sweeping powers that of course of people have really dumped him now a pharaoh and called his document a coup so really they're building their uniting for the first time against the president and against this document and creating process the marches into here and across the country for the next week the president supporters seem to have counteracted all the oppositional forces movements in the sense that as i mentioned there was this march to the supreme court of justice and it was met by pro president supporters whether or not they're actually affiliated with the president officially we don't know in addition the president although he's organization is in brotherhood of call for their members to come to this to the streets in
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a millionaire on choose day in support of the president which is directly counteracting an oppositional protest on tuesday against this document. and journalist ahmed fathi believes that the opposition's concerns over the future of democracy in egypt have a solid basis. what have mohammad morsi done mobarak in the height of his power could not even dream of achieving morsi is part of the muslim brotherhood and islam or fascist group they have control over their members and their supporters it is very simple and the country was more than forty five percent of its population are illiterate to control them in the name of religion gyptian is are now seeing clearly they have replaced the military fascist style regime of hosni mubarak into the religious fascist regime of mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood egyptians and they have undertaken a revolution back in january twentieth levon calling for three simple things bread
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freedom and social justice neither of these three. calls demands that they have called for and in their revolution have been achieved the state of the egyptian arcana me is in shambles this state of freedoms it's been marginalized people wanted to establish a democracy they wanted to establish solid at the here and to human rights they wanted to have social justice applied and not to turn it from the military to the religious fascism. the people of spain's most prosperous and most tax region will choose a new parliament on sunday their choice could ultimately decide whether catalonia will remain a part of spain or go alone after being stricken by the financial demands of central government that is under farmer has the story. there's a wind of separatism blowing through europe at the moment and it's reached the northeastern shores of spain catalonia is the latest region to officially aspirate
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independence is something people here have long felt in their hearts but now they're feeling it in their pockets. i think it's a good idea to be in the band them from. a country. which is. really really bad situation is a bargain for. it's a bargain for the good of the cattle and flags can be seen hanging from balconies throughout barcelona reflecting a growing desire for home rule under a drive to break away from the central government in madrid this weekend's local election is being fought on that issue alone catalan president for mass has made it the centerpiece of his campaign this convergence union party vying to hold an independent referendum if they win and say a free catalonia would be a cure all for the region's economic problems that have seen unemployment top
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twenty five percent the economic context in europe and in the south of europe has been a catalyzer of the. of the. movement we can see in the zones of people in cologne i believe that with our own resources human capital economic resources we could be better off if not being in the spanish estate this is a reality that a lot of economic research has show many cattle and find it a persuasive argument it's one of spain's wealthiest regions producing a fifth of the country's economic output but it pays around sixteen billion euros a year more in taxes than it gets back in madrid which has in turn insisted public services into austerity cuts. this is not fair i mean we are the ones who're. doing our best in mccormick reasons we cannot afford the weight of this measure and
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the central government for us is the one who is spending the most and not in the best way last september barcelona witnessed one of the largest separatist rallies here since the nineteen seventies over one and a half million catalans took to the streets to call for independence but the path to becoming a new european state is far from smooth the proposed referendum is against the spanish constitution what's more withdrawing from spain could also force this region to draw back to the european union those against separatism believe it could do more harm than good. separatism for catalonia would be an economic disaster multi-national companies located in barcelona for access to the spanish work it and being in the e.u. that will be lost which more even of separatism does not happen just talking about it creates uncertainty and that is the last thing the economy needs during this current crisis. with poll suggesting aftermath will win reelection barcelona and madrid looks set free showdown the president of the spanish military association
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colonel leopoldo sanchez has even suggested it might lead to another civil war political parties dismiss that as extreme rhetoric but the remaining cattle and you hope this weekend will mark the first step towards the breakup of spain. andrew farmer r.t. catalonia. sociologist from pompei of fabric university in barcelona believes the president of mass will have his hands full if he wins the election. the issue that's kind of overarching throughout the elections is sort of cattle on independents however there's also. a lot of sentiment against by people that are not in his party's i guess immediate ideological range i mean he just had a general strike against him on the fourteenth of november that also drew nearly a million people into the streets so the problem with this is that between the
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nationalist sort of sentiment and the anti austerity sort of majority view their opposition to it with us is either confused or doesn't really have a referential point in in the form of a political party to vote against him so he sort of has the strongest group out of all the electoral formations. and you can find out more about the kind of the new movement for independents on our website in time none of the protests and in-depth analysis of spain's economic trouble. right that. also in london must murder responsible for the deaths of seventy seven people brands his prison conditions as inhumane boughts and as brave because complaining about it all if you don't come. three children to be removed from their foster parents in britain because of the political views of the couple leading to public anger the local council branded
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them unfit for fostering because they're supporters of the u.k. independence party and we're looking off to ethnic children when i spoke to paul nuttall these and the people from the u.k. independence party who described the decision as outrageous. it's an absolute disgrace and i think it's a case of desperation really from the labor party if you have a byelection rotheram exactly in the same area where this terrible incident has taken place and the council have gone ahead and persecuted this family because they're members of ukip i'm not too sure whether this is a coincidence or not now your party is though critical of multiculturalism and political correctness is this incident an indication that perhaps you're being misunderstood in your failing to communicate your policies. absolutely not i think our policies are quite clear i think the fact that we're now around ten to twelve percent in the opinion polls goes ahead and shows that the fact is that at miliband the leader of the labor party has come out and said there needs to be an investigation into this michael gove the conservative education secretary has come
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out and said that this is a disgrace so we're getting backing not just from the people because the public is on the whole behind us on this they think it's a disgrace it would also getting the backing from other political parties as well so you agree with the whole idea that no matter what political persuasion couples are they should be able to adopt children. oh look this corporal have been foster parents for the past seven years they have been given children homes and doing a good job what happens here is a case of persecution i think it's absolutely wrong the people who will suffer as a result will be the children because what will happen to these children now look at but it isn't isn't bringing children up in a political environment of consideration for example would you be happy to see members of the british nationalist party adopting or fostering children for a political party accused of racism. well look i think each case needs to be taken on a soul basis and we are not a racist party it's quite clear it's written into our constitution we actually band
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members who have been members of the british national party in the past we are completely in a three and three basis could ukip see this is a political advantage and bring to the attention the fact that the adoption fostering laws in the u.k. really do need a shake up understand what's. i'm not i'm a parent so rejected the. possibility to foster or adopt it is that and there is perhaps the you could now you. well i think it's something that certainly needs to be looked at i mean there are seventy thousand children in care in this country which quite frankly is obscene that is too many and what we need to be getting these children and into good homes because you know the statistics don't lie on this children in care are more likely to go prison and not to well at school etc the best place for children in care to be is with loving families and that's why this whole thing is obscene. noway seems to be suffering from its own hospitality as we report later on here with radicalism becoming a popular trend among the country's growing muslim community. explain how
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a scandal begins became the springboard for the possible creation of a brand new continental football league. british live demo minister lynn featherstone said that since women have babies it allows men to pass them up on the letter to power such a children are set back for women who want to be successful and equal to men so they want to give them the option of taking maternity leave or would that be paternity leave i don't know i kind of see the logic of your view but my question is featherstone is why exactly is success in the corporate world the primary goal of life for men and women as a feminist i would think you understand that wanting to fight your way up the ladder to buy a big car to replace your shortcomings is
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a very male way of judging success are women who choose to have families failures or at least unsuccessful in your book even as a man i know that my pocket is really empty after having the first of hopefully many kids but i don't see our child as a. that keeping me from buying an x. box guess what success is relative to the goal and maybe your corporate boardroom vision of success isn't for everyone women who have kids aren't failures in my opinion but then again that's just my opinion. we speak your language i mean some of the war not a. news program seems documentaries in spanish matters to you. a little too new to anglos kidneys stories. for you here. in troy the spanish. visit i.
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will give him a note so we have a lot of. groups. also. you know. like many that wasn't. with maddie when i was fourteen yes you can. and you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun only effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women. can cross paths. but. it's up to the shop and construction. people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan.
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the mission of free cretaceous and free instruction free. range mentioned free. three. free. video for your media project free media. dot com. continues now here on tolerance towards immigrants is something norway adopted centuries ago tens of thousands of people displaced by wars in their countries have found their way to the welcoming land of the vikings however some migrants are being accused of taking their new home for granted as reports. tolerance is no is well known trademark maybe even to well known thirteen percent of the
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country's five million population are immigrants but it seems it may be suffering from its own hospitality roland this sixty years since i was like everything the reason it's so difficult for the spot to keep the start is if it's immigrant i mean its population for years it's been home to a large number of outsiders who believe in peace and many locals treated it so decided it's not enough a while ago the radical islamic group demanded to make it independent from the city and the sharia law territory to feel literally at home. in a letter sent to some of the country's politicians and journalists and known extremists have threatened to carry out and nine eleven in no way if their demands are not met. that it's really something. to be taken seriously but this is not the first death threat coming from noways muslim community in this we do know
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a pakistani born in mom preaches those not praying should be brought to prison for those not fasting during ramadan decapitated isn't possible to kill here in the river yeah no problem all weapon is made to kill we hear concerns over how some immigrants bring part of their cultures to no way from the head of the country's hunting union on one of our hunting courses in this there were pending for muslims who seem to have more interest in weapons than in nature and helping attend in courses is one of the two legal ways in no way to get a personal weapons license if you don't respect the ridge of rules and you want to live. in norway and then you can go back to your country opposition party member he himself came to no way as a political refugee. in the late eighties he says the ruling labor party is importing voters immigrants are indeed among the parties strongest supporters but
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the price is high how can you integrate minority when the minority is actually the majority in the society who is going to learn from who is well you are . such rhetoric is too familiar to every norwegian a homegrown terrorist killed seventy seven here last summer protesting against the takeover of muslim immigrants also one to was one of those on that island last july his comrades and friends were killed right in front of his very eyes he says he survived to fight for would brave it try to destroy the most important lesson is that we've never been paid. grounded well use for ground. it's a fight for the fight for democracy or. for justice it's something that we constantly need to focus on despite concerns of the threat to kill made by some immigrants may be a real noways unlikely to give up its dollar and small toe in fact it's quite the opposite
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for many the only response to brave exe anti immigrant motivated massacre is seen immigrants embraced more than ever before marie for national r t no way. other world news now police in thailand used to gas to disperse the first major protest against the current government run ten thousand for the street demonstrators with tear gas when they try to break through a police barricade the protesters accuse the prime minister of monaco stance and corruption prime minister a sixteen month old government is on high alert and says it could call enormous support if the situation gets out of control. the remains of late palestinian leader yasser arafat will be on tuesday his sudden death in two thousand and four led some palestinians to claim he was poisoned by israel which strongly denies the accusations investigation into his death was renewed. this year after traces of polonium were found in arafat's personal items the samples were examined by experts
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from russia switzerland and france. at least eighteen people have been killed by a gas explosion inside a coal mine in southwestern china many miners are trapped underground with rescue teams trying to reach them incidents like this remain common in the country with almost two thousand mine workers killed last year alone. the boss of russian energy giant gazprom says the company would support the creation of the united football league the move could see former soviet republics computer alongside russian clubs what is going to this kind of takes a look at whether the grandiose plans are likely to become reality then it is currently the champion of russia and recently found itself in the center of a scandal when during a match with the team one of the needs found through on the field seriously injuring the. do not bring his eyes of the match was stopped and his unit was punished with a technical defeat later with heard from the team's management who protested the
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penalty saying that me stop taking part in a russian football championship all together now is you need a sponsored by gas problem and the energy giant's c.e.o. similar has met with the team's management and he's now saying that they need me start taking part in a whole new other tournament between states which currently doesn't exist but miller says that if somebody started working on the idea then gas plant would definitely support it now gazprom is known to be quite a supporter of sports deputy c.e.o. alexander movie there is the chief ideologist of the kontinental hockey league which is currently the second largest in the wall you know it's probably the strongest hockey teams in the all port area so the energy giant definitely has the financial resources to help create new football tournament as well say between the former soviet republics but again this is all in now being talked about not actually being worked on and it's also a question how successful such
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a project would be how interesting it would be to watch and how competitive would it be compared to other football leagues in the world. capital account with lauren lister is coming your way from washington that will be after the short break more news in thirty five minutes from now this is r.t. . if you're passing through rushes to be a regent you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoilt countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunters there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive the heart of just u.s.
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forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf island a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as pasta parents but the next generation will come here using the old walls as
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surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs whose parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolf's reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication will mean that we foil and remains a place where visitors can truly understand of the wild. wealthy british style. that's not on the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's conjure there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm more in the store here in washington d.c. these are headlines for friday november twenty third two thousand and eight you budget talks have collapsed the wall street journal's matina status reports wealthier countries say there just isn't enough for straight in the plan so is this a sign of disintegration in the beleaguered euro zone or is this political theater
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one o one of the type we see so often in the u.s. so rounding a budget or say raising the debt ceiling while ms davis is here to tell us plus mario draghi rattled off the e.c. beason recent actions concluding this. therefore i can address you today against the background bill that relates. regis can see them in the pro sports of the u.s. . but is it really the case that we've seen a return to confidence or is the euro crisis big teeth and other headlines grabbing news such as the u.s. fiscal cliff just making it seem like the worst in europe is behind us we're trying to answer that and it is black friday q craziness at some of the nation's big box retailers inside and out. of the still very. i think you.
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some crazy images in the last one were actually protesters outside wal-mart protesting what they allege are unfair working conditions will have some of your reactions to the protests and viewer feedback let's get to today's capital account . if the euro zone crisis seems to be getting upstaged by seemingly newer crises like say the u.s. fiscal cliff or as we like to call it economy let's back up and take stock in the eurozone is back in recession another nation cyprus is on the verge of
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a bailout wrangling over how to get greece on track with creditors is still not resolved and talks just collapsed among european leaders trying to agree on a budget for the next seven years so in other words the e.u. isn't anywhere near out of the woods and it's also important to remember looking from abroad at the headlines coming out of these most recent budget talks to these are politicians needing to score political points so you may not be able to take everything you read at face value so to separate fact from fiction we spoke to me as a journalist for the dow jones news wires and the wall street journal who's been covering this all in brussels take a listen joining us now machinist as a journalist for the dow jones newswires and the wall street journal she's been covering all of this e.u. budget talks collapsed leaders failed to reach an agreement on the budget with according to your reporting wealthier countries saying there just wasn't enough restraint in the proposed seven years then.


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